GTBank Internet Banking Login: Getting It Right

To access and use the GTB Bank internet banking platform, you have to be registered for GTB internet banking online or at any GTB Bank close to you. Then you have to obtain your token number. To do this, you have to download GTBank internet banking token request form online. Fill the form correctly, and

To access and use the GTB Bank internet banking platform, you have to be registered for GTB internet banking online or at any GTB Bank close to you. Then you have to obtain your token number. To do this, you have to download GTBank internet banking token request form online. Fill the form correctly, and then take it to any GTBank close to you.

Another way to do this is to go to the Customer help desk at any GTB Bank close to you, and request for an internet banking form. Ensure that you fill the form correctly and submit it.

After submission, the customer service officer in charge would scan the form, and mail it to You can also fill the form at home, scan and send it yourself. If your details are correct, your log in details would be mailed to you but if you don’t receive it, you can contact the GTB contact center to request for it.

You would also be given a small device known as a Token; this device protects your account whenever you need to transact business online.

How to Log In Successfully

Upon receipt of your log in details from GTBank, go ahead to the GTB online banking website or the mobile banking app. The website can be accessed through .

Type in your password and username and you would be allowed access to the GTB internet banking platform. However, it is important for you to change your password from the one you were provided by GTBank, to a new, unique and secure password. This would help to further secure your account.

